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Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 8:07 am
by MUP
Morning gents! Coffee is on and it's a heavy frost this morning! Finally beginning to feel like getting out to do something after all the recent hubbub! I'm thinking about celebrating MLK day by breaking out the CZ and getting back in form for the .22 matches that'll be starting back in March. At least try to before the next thing comes along. I hear Lapua is coming out with a long range .22 cartridge too, hope I can catch some of that in stock to give it a test run! :)

Re: ☕

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 12:31 pm
by Wiley
Good morning MUP! I'm over 4 hours behind your early start but feeling somewhat rejuvenated from hunting the last doe day and passing on everything that I saw. Yesterday I was whooped! Real heavy frost here this morning as well. I'm gonna build a roof over an igloo doghouse so the recent hatch of puppies van have more dry area with the rainy weather coming for the next several days. Got a small section of unused porch from deer camp that they'll have under roof as well. And then do nothing with what's left of the day. The arthritis in my wrists is already predicting unsettled weather ahead :)

Re: ☕

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 1:21 pm
by MUP
I'm getting a headache as well now, that tells me that a front is leaving or coming in. Just took 2 of 4 Tylenol this morning. Hoping it's just a headache, can't tell anymore when you have to go to the hospital around a bunch of people anymore. 😳

Re: ☕

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2023 9:10 am
by snakester50
Good morning gents hope you all have an outstanding day , always give thanks we could be laid up or laid in the ground . Thank you Lord for a day we can rejoice in !!!