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Debate tonight

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 1:27 pm
by Phil1979
I'm going to miss seeing the debate tonight, have a function to go to for work. I'm going to record it though and watch it Tuesday. Anyone planning on watching?

Re: Debate tonight

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 2:18 pm
by MUP
Heck I'll be in bed. I plan to record it as well. I hope Trump stays on point, point being Hitlery's criminal record and what she plans to do going forward, which is continue to dismantle the Constitution.

Re: Debate tonight

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 3:32 pm
by 7mminatree
Have a feeling it'll be rigged.

Re: Debate tonight

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 4:26 pm
by MUP
No doubt.

Question for Hitlery: Hitlery, how are you feeling today?

Hitlery's answer: Welllll, I'm jus a lil tired, overheated a touch, with a tad case of pneumonia, I'll be fine right after the debate (cough cough cough)

Question for Trump: So Mr Trump, you want to ban mooslims from coming into the country, infringe on illegal immigrants' rights(no such thing actually), and think guns are a constitutional right? How on earth can you call yourself a true American with such ludicrous ideas that stifle the freedom of our goobermint, and allow right wing nut jobs to run free, carrying their Bibles and toting their scary guns?

Trump's answer: Well Mr moderator...

Moderator: Excuse me Mr Trump, but isn't it true that you've also CONTINUED with your insane idea of building a wall to keep out ALL immigrants, denying them the FREEdoms they're entitled to by just crossing the border?

Trump's answer: Mr moderator, I strongly...

Moderator: Mrs Hitlery, haven't you repeatedly had photo shoots with immigrant chidrens, making you the obvious compassionate candidate?

Hitlery's answer: (cough cough, drink...drink) Why yes, and I only charged $2500 per shot as well, WELL below my usual customary fee as well.

Moderator: Thank you all for participating in tonight's debate. Mr Trump, you sir are a despicable human being, crazy, flip flopping, sorry excuse for a candidate, and I proclaim Hitlery as OUR winner.

Re: Debate tonight

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 7:45 pm
by huntinkev
I'll be watching, getting ready for it now.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

Re: Debate tonight

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 10:48 pm
by BirdDog525
Watching the debate was like listening to 2 kids fight over the front seat in the mini van, and argue to their mom why the other one shouldn't have it!

Hard to believe this is what we have to choose from to run the greatest country in the world.

Re: Debate tonight

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 6:42 am
by caretaker
BirdDog525 wrote:Watching the debate was like listening to 2 kids fight over the front seat in the mini van, and argue to their mom why the other one shouldn't have it!

Hard to believe this is what we have to choose from to run the greatest country in the world.
Same ol B.S. we been enduring for 18 months. First the primaries then the general election. Hell if ya cant decide anything in three months you aint gonna. Poop or get off the pot. Now I understands why congress don't get nuffin done. Besides it`s not up to the voters it`s which lobby has the deepest pockets.

Think I`m gonna stop this car an teach them both the switch dance.