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Tennessee vs Purdue

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 9:10 pm
by WG Taxidermist
I was hoping Tennessee would pull this one off. I really thought they was coming to play ball in the beginning.

Re: Tennessee vs Purdue

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 9:55 pm
by Smokyrider
Refs blew the holding call that would have put us in field goal range but the 2 deep pass plays and 20 seconds lost did more to keep us out of field goal range though. The OT call was BS as he wasn't down and that close to the goal line anything can happen but the ref said forward progress had stopped?? and ended the play......bad call.

Re: Tennessee vs Purdue

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2021 5:37 am
by MUP
I agree, bad call. He was still inching forward and definitely not down yet. That said, coach should have kicked the FG IMO. He went against the grain on that call. Yea, takes guts to make a call like that, but this team ain't that good, yet imo, to be trying that kinda thing. Purdue was no slouch, came to play, and had beaten the #3 ranked team in regular season. Even tho I think every Purdue player was "injured" at least once in the 4th qtr trying to slow the TN no huddle offense down .rolling.

Re: Tennessee vs Purdue

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2021 7:38 am
by hillbillyfab
As bad as that call was, it should have never come down to just one play in my opinion. All year long the Vols have been nonexistent in the 2nd quarter, I don't know where they go or what they do, but it ain't play football in the 2nd quarter. 16 unanswered points in the 2nd quarter. You score just once or stop Purdue just once and you win the game. Got to figure out what's going on with that. With that being said, GO BIG 🍊! It was a whole lot better year than I thought it was going to be.