Impeach now!

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Impeach now!

Post by MUP » ... 8NV5LQPE1H

You can choose to contribute, or bypass and only sign the petition, but by all means, this petition needs to be signed and submitted to our reps!
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Re: Impeach now!

Post by MUP »

July 9, 2014

Dear Representative DesJarlais,
Dear Senator Alexander,
Dear Senator Corker,

I am writing as your constituent and a concerned American citizen. America is under attack from within. Over the last 4 ½ years, our nation has been transformed for the worse so much that one would hardly recognize it. We have a corrupt, Chicago politician in the White House who is bleeding our nation to death. Since he won re-ele ction with the help of low information voters and a compliant media, the details of even further corruption has been revealed. The time has come and we must not relent until this happens.

I expect you to uphold your commitment to defend the Constitution of the United States of America. Obama is guilty of more than one impeachable offense as spelled out in this petition. Therefore, I expect you to support the move to impeach him. However, I will not be satisfied with simply impeachment. He must be impeached and removed from the Office of the Presidency. If not, then we will not recognize our republic within the next few years. The great experiment of America will be over. Are you willing to have that happen on your watch?

President Obama is the most corrupt president in U.S. history. His actions are against everything this country was founded upon and stands for. He is a danger to America. We are therefore calling for his impeachment and removal from office. We urge you to move forward with this call for impeachment for the good of our nation and to keep the legacy of our Founding Fathers impeachable offense is one too many, impeach now.


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Re: Impeach now!

Post by timberjack86 »

Done! With Pleasure :D
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